Code of Conduct
We count on a cooperative and respectful collaboration with our business partners
That is why we have set ourselves the goal of continuously improving our sustainability activities in close collaboration with them. The Code of Conduct sums up the essential principles and rules for how we, our business partners and their agents and subcontractors act.
The featured criteria in the areas of environment, economy and society constitute minimum standards for our business relationships and are based, amongst other things, on the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), the fundamental principles and rights of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (Davos, 1999).
The Code of Conduct offers framework for orientation on the following topics:
- Reporting violations – complaints procedure
- Sanctions and corrective measures in the case of violations
- Compliance with laws (including national and international regulations, especially labour and social laws and environmental regulations)
- Social standards (including child and forced labour, no discrimination, wages and benefits, regulated working hours and written employment contracts, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, prohibited disciplinary measures, occupational health and safety)
- Environmental standards (including environmental permits, climate and resource protection, hazardous substances, packaging)
- Economic standards (including bribery and corruption, rights of local communities)
With the help of the Code of Conduct, we would like to increase the transparency and diligence of our supply chain as well as promote responsible and environmentally friendly standards.